Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy:
1.Cancellation Before Order Processing:
2. Cancellation After Order Processing (Within 2 Hours):
3. Restocking Charges:
4. Cancellation of Shipped Orders:
1.Cancellation Before Order Processing:
- If you decide to cancel your order before it has been processed, there will be no cancellation fee.
- We typically begin processing orders on the same business day, so please notify us as soon as possible if you wish to cancel.
2. Cancellation After Order Processing (Within 2 Hours):
- If you choose to cancel your order after it has been processed and it has been less than 2 hours since you placed the order, a 3% order cancellation fee will be applicable.
- This fee is necessary to cover payment processing and the labor involved in loading and unloading the items.
3. Restocking Charges:
- Certain items and special order items may be subject to a restocking charge if canceled before shipping.
- The restocking charge, if applicable, will be clearly communicated to you at the time of purchase or cancellation.
4. Cancellation of Shipped Orders:
- If an order has already been shipped and you decide to cancel it, we will process a refund for you.
- However, the refund will be issued after deducting the actual outgoing and return shipping charges incurred.
- Additionally, a 25% restocking fee may be applicable to cover handling and administrative costs.